Thursday, January 31, 2008


Browsing through my flickr, it seems that I have a decent number of pictures of cupcakes.

All these are from Vegan Cupcakes Take Over the World.

Cookies 'n Cream (candy cane Joe-Joe variety)

Margarita Cupcakes:
Margarita Cupcakes

Margarita and Basic Chocolate Cupcakes:
New Years Cupcakes

Hey look, another batch of Margarita Cupcakes!
margarita cupcake

Last weekend we made another batch of Margarita cupcakes as well as a batch of Chocolate Stout and Rum Raisin. I'm sooooo loving the Rum Raisin ones. I was hungover when I had a chocolate stout, but my roommate assures me that they were good. And obviously I like the Margarita cupcakes!

Here is the Basic Chocolate Cupcake recipe from VCTOTW. I've made this a ton. It is super quick, easy, and always yummy. Plus it is great with peanut butter frosting! Yum!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Long time away!

It's been a long time since I've posted! I finally finished up, at 1am last nite, a long ongoing thing for work and now I have a bit of breathing room in my day again.

So what to say now? An update of sorts? This blog has turned into a free for all, so here goes...this is more of a brainstorm to get me back in the groove of blogging.

reading - I've atually kept up on updating the books here. I've got another update about ready to post. I mostly only read on the subway, but can still finish a book a week or so somehow!

baking - cupcakes! J and I made 3 batches last Saturday. I made cinnamon rolls 2 weeks ago. Baking has been happening. I might have pictures?

cooking - slowly working it's way back into my life. I've been doing simple, healthy meals lately, but have actually made some "real" dinners as well. Batman and I are trying to eat healthier, eat the right amount, and balance it all better. So we've been taking our lunches more too. I have all sorts of things that I want to make, both lunch and dinner foods so I'll share that as I get around to it.

drinking - I still tend to pull out the camera to take pictures of our drinks at bars. Like this one.

Ireland - Our first pints of Guinness in Ireland at O'Donoghue's

travel - Batman and I went to Dublin earlier this month. I'll definitely do a post on that with lots of pictures! Making sure to show you more than just the Guinness (not vegan, I know, but I was in Ireland and I looooove Guinness)!

sewing - I have plans. Nothing has happened yet but plans are a good start. Oh, and I got a nifty tool...I'll share that later!

embroiderying - I'm almost finished with my first sampler! It has been in an almost finished state for 5 months now, but it's close and I know I could finish it quickly if I chose to.

knitting - still happening. not much though. I'm 1/3ish of the way through a sweater and am fully convinced that I don't like the top down in the round method. My other sweater is looking weird. I've knit a couple of dishrags. I'll get some pictures later.

cats - still as cute and as much a pain in the ass as ever. Snickers is slowly starting to turn into a lap cat and Winston still sits above my head and purrs.

Okay. So I didn't have much to say today. I've got some ideas now, whereas I didn't have any before, so that is good. So forgive my rather disjointed, listy post and I'll come back with something more substantial sooner rather than later!