Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Mac and Cheese

New Farm Mac and Cheese, recipe from the PPK.

new farm mac and cheese

I ate a whole pot of this stuff about a month ago and here I am doing it again! It has a great texture. The flavor is great the first day. I add some salt and pepper to it when I'm reheating it after that though. I also like it with the Trader Joes meatless meatballs (or anti-meat spheres as Batman referred to them).

With a chocolate cupcake for dessert, I'll be eating pretty good for a few days!

Recipe changes: I just dumped in a whole pound of pasta, I don't know how many cups that is. I cut the oil in half at the end this time and I like it better that way.

Some crafty stuff is happening. Not much, but is there ever much. I'll see what I can do about getting pictures of it tonite or tomorrow nite.


Anonymous said...

I like Batman's name for them better. I've never been able to understand (not being a vegetarian myself) why vegetarians who shudder at the thought of eating meat seek out meat substitutes that taste like meat. I've got to have you explain that one to me. I must be missing something in my ignorance, I'm sure of it. So glad that cooking and crafting and reading is happening for you. That is the stuff that keeps us grounded and makes live worth living.

wenders said...

Yum. Thanks for the link!

And it looks like your apartment gets GREAT light!