Tuesday, August 28, 2007

change jar

There isn't much going on. I'm busy with the new apartment (I'm finishing moving tonite) and work. I really want to do some cooking and baking...I'll try to find time for that this weekend. I'm soooo sick of beans and rice. I made them again last nite since I barely had time to make/eat anything and they are quick.

I was studying at Starbucks yesterday morning and the whole hour that I was there, a woman was sitting in the corner shaking a jar of change. Not like a cup to get change from people, it sounded like a large mason jar 1/2 full of change. I thought she would stop after a few minutes, but nope. She was doing it when I got there and still going at it an hour later when I left. My iPod was great to have then...it blocked it out enough that I could study.

In case you were wondering, here are the names of the songs to the bits I put up the other day.

i need your arms around me / i need to feel your touch / i need your understanding / i need your love so much
**Never There by Cake
you must die, i alone am best / i hope you flip some guy the bird / he cut you off and you're forced to swerve
**I Hope You Die by The Bloodhound Gang
car after bus, car after truck / after this my lungs will be so fucked up
**Carbon Monoxide by Cake
making my entrance again with my usual flair / sure of my lines / nobody's there
**Send in the Clowns by Frank Sinatra
you don't eat or drink or mow the lawn / you just fuck your uncle all day long
**Uncle Fucka by Terrance and Phillip (South Park)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I'm wrong, I thought the first song was some cheesy 80s song! Thanks for labeling it. So glad to know you and I have the same good taste in songs, like Uncle Fucka. I have Big Gay Al's song on one of my workout cds! Heeee!